Pain Management and Rehabilitation Clinic

Pain Management and Rehabilitation Clinic فرع خميس مشيط

Under the supervision of Saudi consultants

What are the goals of the pain clinic?

Increasing the ability to deal with pain, reducing the sensation and severity of pain, reducing the use of medications and therapeutic procedures, as well as maintaining the practice of daily activities normally

We treat the following:

  • Lower back and neck pain.
  • Lumbar – cervical – thoracic – iliac disc herniation pain
  • Cancer pain by injecting the nerve responsible for pain
  • Muscle pain and sciatica.
  • Hand, elbow, shoulder, pelvis, hip joint, knee, foot and heel pain
  • Pain after spine surgery.
  • Headache and migraine pain.
  • Neuropathy, such as diabetic neuropathy
  • Post-stroke complications
  • Coccyx pain.
  • Failed back surgery syndrome.
  • Trigeminal nerve pain.
  • Peripheral nerve pain in the event of injury resulting from previous operations or direct injury.

What is rehabilitation medicine?

Rehabilitation medicine is one of the medical specialties that can help people with injuries or disabilities through accurate diagnosis, treatment, reducing complications, and developing an integrated treatment plan.

With the increasing cases of injuries and disabilities, there is an urgent need for doctors specialized in treating all complications of disability in one specialty.

The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic at Al-Thamal Medical Center provides a variety of services aimed at helping people with disabilities regain their functions and independence, which contributes to raising their quality of life and reducing the burden on their families.

Therefore, we always recommend consulting a rehabilitation medicine consultant immediately after the patient’s medical condition stabilizes and before starting any rehabilitation plan.

Some of the services provided by rehabilitation clinics are the following:

  • Diagnosis and examinations
  • Treatment of sensory and nerve pain
  • Determining the severity of disability and expectations
  • Developing a medical and rehabilitation treatment plan by coordinating goals with other specialties such as physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, and splints to obtain the best results
  • Treatment of complications such as inability to walk or balance or tension and nerve spasms
  • Treatment of neurogenic bladder, poor control, urinary tract infections, and chronic constipation.
  • Treatment of infections and ulcers
  • Psychotherapy

When should a patient come to a rehabilitation doctor?

Patients can come to a rehabilitation doctor at any time. However, the earlier follow-up begins, the fewer complications and the greater the chances of improvement.

Some examples of conditions that may benefit a patient from treatment in a rehabilitation clinic:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Strokes
  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Nerve injuries
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Nervous system diseases such as multiple sclerosis
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Cerebral palsy in children and developmental delay
  • Amputation of the upper or lower limbs

For inquiries and reservations: 0558677735


Department Doctors

Dr. Sultan Alshehri

Consultant Physician Rehabilitation Medicine
Saudi Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Dr. Hussein Elsherefy

German Board in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

German Fellowship in Chronic Pain Treatment

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