Employment check and driver’s licenses

Employment check and driver’s licenses Khamis Mushait only

In Al-Thamal Medical, an Expatriates Examination center equipped with the latest laboratory and x-ray equipment is available under the supervision of a distinguished medical and technical staff and provides the following services:

  • Comprehensive medical examination service for expatriate and domestic workers to ensure their safety and that they are free from diseases, issue a comprehensive medical report and give them the necessary vaccinations. The service is linked with passports to complete their official procedures.
  • It also provides a medical examination service for nutrition workers and issuance of health certificates that authorize them to work in the food and health sectors.
  • Comprehensive medical examination for employment.

Perform the necessary medical examination for issuing the driving license or renewal.

For more information don’t hesitate to get in touch with 0558677735

Department Doctors

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